Why is Retail Security Important?
Retail shops up and down the high street contain CCTV cameras. But you may not have noticed people walking through the shops or standing by the exit doors. While CCTV cameras are important to make sure nothing bad is happening throughout the store, it isn’t an effective way to stop people from shoplifting. This is why by having a security guard that goes throughout the store is important.
What happens if you don’t stop Shoplifters?
Shoplifting can have a devastating effect on your business’ future. Unfortunately, losses incurred due to people stealing stock are an everyday reality for the majority of retail businesses you see on the high street. By not putting a proper preventative security measure in place, you shop may become a hotspot for thieves. This could result in losses so great that you may even need to close your business or at least struggle to see any profit.
No Training within an Aggressive Situation
Without having a trained security guard within your retail store, you won’t have any staff would be trained to deal with an aggressive situation. For example, this could be violence or an aggravated theft within your store. Without having a security guard, you would have to wait for the police to arrive to provide protection from whats occurring. This will make everyone within your store, e.g. staff and customers, vulnerable. By having a security expert working within your shop, you will have security personnel available immediately should an incident occur.
No Security, More Thefts
Without a retail security guard, it could single your shop out as vulnerable or as an easy hit. Criminals are looking to steal from shops that have very little or less security than other shops. This is so they will be able to get out of the store easily without having the worry of being caught. By having a professional retail security guard could make your shop less of a target when criminals are looking for shops to hit.
If you would like more information about our retail security services, please contact us on:
Tel: 0117 982 9979
Fax: 0117 909409
Email: info@securityguardsbristol.com